Monday, December 30, 2019

Top 3 Stylish Ninja Swords in the Market Today

Ninja were one of the greatest warriors of all time, belonging to feudal Japan. They were known for their quickness and excellent war tactics that led them to many victories against their enemies. 

They were almost undef-eatable. They used some splendid weapons in warfare. The primary fighting weapon was the ninja sword. However, a few secondary fighting weapons like shuriken and kunai were used as well as a part of war tactics. 

This allowed them to defeat their enemies pretty easily in the end. Today, we are focusing specifically on the primary ninja weapon, the ninja sword. 

There is a great variety of ninja swords in the market, but here are the three most stylish ones:

1. The All Time Great Katana Sword

Who can forget the great katana sword. Let me remind you that katana did not solely belong to the samurai. 

Ninja had their own version of katana. They established a different katana sword. The samurai katana had a curved blade. Otherwise, it was similar to ninja katana. Both versions had long and thick blades. 

However, the main difference was the shape of the blade. The samurai katana had a curved blade while the ninja katana had a dead straight blade. 

It was the primary fighting weapon during warfare. Today, ninja katana is available in the market in great numbers. 

There are different versions, such as a few made of metal, a few made of foam, and a few are the real steel bladed katana swords. 

2. Magnetic Twin Ninja Fighting Sword

This is basically a ninja sword, but looks more like a fantasy sword. There are two of them in one package. A fantastic sword for the modern enthusiasts. 

This sword is used as a collectible, a decor and a cosplay weapon. It is made of stainless steel and looks like a badass fighting sword. A shoulder strap is there to carry it around the shoulder. 

3. Green Ninja Sword with Kunai 

This is another stylish ninja sword that comes with kunai knives. There is a pair of kunai in the package. 

The green color scheme makes it look absolutely gorgeous. The blade is made of stainless steel, and is a replica sword.