Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Modern Foam Swords Have Numerous Advantages, Here Are These

foam swords

Apparently, foam swords are a toy that is on the more expensive side of things, but they come with many benefits, such as being lightweight and safe for children to play with. 

There are many companies that also offer different colors and styles, making it easy for adults to buy these items for their kids. Another important thing you should know is that these swords come in different sizes depending on whether you want a toy that's just right for your toddler or an older child.

What Are Foam Swords and Where Do They Come From?

Foam swords have been around for a long time, first emerging in the 1960s. In the late 60s, there was a toy-making company that wanted to make a sword that looked like real metal. 

This company experimented with many materials including hardwoods and Plexiglas before they found an unlikely material: urethane foam. The result was a high-pressure injection-molded PVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastic sword that had little friction against other objects and offered better visibility because of its white color. 

The problem was that these new toys didn't have razors which made them unsafe for use as sparring sticks so their popularity plummeted.

Major Innoventions

One of the major innovations in foam sword technology came in the mid-1990s with a Japanese toy inventor who improved upon the PVC design. He created a sword constructed of urethane foam covered in latex rubber. 

This new sword was just as safe as PVC, but it was more realistic looking and it provided better protection because it didn't slide around as much when swung against another sword.

The original swords had nobby handguards that were shaped like letter "D"s, but they broke easily when struck onto hard objects and they offered little protection to the hands.

Materials Used in Making Them:

The thing that most people don't realize is that these swords actually work, despite the fact that they don't look like much. 

  • Type Of Foam

The foam that is used in these products is fairly hard, especially compared to regular foam board, which is what you would use for a playhouse or any other structure you might want to build in the future.

  • Blade Material 

The foam sword's blade is made of a specific type of plastic that resists bending when you press on it. It will stay in the shape you put it in, but there are some who prefer to bend their swords before using them because they believe this will make them more effective tools.

Benefits of Owning These Swords

What kinds of benefits have been discovered from using these types of swords? One thing I've heard is that they strengthen your forearm and arm muscles. 

I know that most people aren't aware of this, but it makes me wonder if these swords are effective at helping improve hand-eye coordination and making your aim more accurate. Another thing is that foam swords can help with improving balance and coordination for older children learning how to walk.

·    Safe And Secure To Use

 These swords are the perfect weapon for fighting on the border of fun and safety. If you are looking for a way to engage in physical exercise with another person, but don't want to risk injury, foam swords may be the answer. They provide an opportunity to get up close and personal with a friend without running any risks.

·    Used By Anyone At Any Place

These amazing swords can be used by children as young as four years old and adults alike. It's easy enough for beginners to learn from kids who have the know-how or take class at a local gymnasium that teaches various sword techniques. Of course, the benefit to learning from children is that they're still developing their motor skills, and aren't as strong.

·   Lightweight and Portable

Although foam swords are designed to be lightweight, a significant amount of force can be exerted when wielding one. By spinning the sword at high speeds, centrifugal force is produced.  This means that a small child can put a lot of energy into their attacks and still not have to worry about hurting anyone. 

All Are Welcome To Use Foam Swords

Foam swords are a great toy for both adults and children because they are very flexible and have an ergonomic design. They also have their own unique look to them, making them great novelty items to add to your home.

This makes it possible for children to have epic sword fights while they practice the moves they've been taught. It also makes it possible for them to go home in one piece!

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