Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Various Uses and Benefits of Using Wooden Swords

wooden swords

There is a wide variety of wooden swords that were used during different times in history. Different cultures have various types of these swords such as the European sword, Indian sword, and Japanese Katana. These are commonly known as iaido, kendo, and Samurai swords respectively. 

The most popular one came into use around 1000 AD in China. This type of sword was made up of tough wood which helped to prevent breakage or chipping while also having the advantage of its lighter weight during combat. It remained popular until about 200 years later when it began losing popularity to a more expensive weapon called the tsuba which was made from metal.

Significance of Wooden Swords

Have you ever seen a samurai swordsman wield a long wooden saber? Long wooden swords, or bokkens, have been around for centuries. The Japanese based these weapons on katana and wakizashi blades, with the primary difference in the length of the blade. A bokken is typically 34 inches (86 centimeter), while a wakizashi is 20 inches (51 centimeters). 

Samurai wielded these wooden weapons instead of metal ones to practice their technique without risk of hurting themselves while they were training. Although samurai still used metal blades as well, they typically only did so when they were among other warriors in close-quarter combat situations.

Multiple Wooden Sword Options

A simple way of selecting a wooden saber could be to consider what other weapons you already own. There are many different types and styles of swords that you can use for your training, however when choosing a wooden weapon, it is important that you choose something that suits you and your needs for training.


These swords do not come with any frictional resistance when compared to other swords, therefore making them easier to use in combat situations. They are also lighter than steel which allows for greater mobility around the school room and testing field.

Bokken for Training Purposes

Pick up a bokken and try it for yourself. You need not be a samurai to benefit from training with a wooden saber; you can use the weapon to add variety to your workout routine, bring some fun out of exercising, and improve your strength, flexibility and endurance.

Your core strength is essential for executing any ground fighting techniques. The basics of the martial arts include self-defense tactics in place of full combat skills when there's no enemy to fight. 

Because of this, your body has other ways to train for the martial arts than mastering heavy metal weapons. A bokken is better than metal because it does not harm you when you make mistakes during training or sparring exercises.

Benefits of Using Wooden Swords

Wooden swords are a very popular choice for many martial arts and fencing styles, as well as for their historical relevance. They have a much more economic price point than steel or plastic counterparts. These swords also offer a different type of challenge to the practitioner and can be used in many different ways. 


When choosing a wooden saber it is important to consider the dynamics that they have. Wood will have the ability to break or splinter if used carelessly. These swords have been used for centuries as a practice weapon in martial arts such as kendo and iaido due to their natural balance, flexibility, light weight, ease of use and portability. 

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